Casa con jardín en Laglio, Italia - en casa de Sara

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Residencia principal
Capacidad 4
2 Habitaciones
3 Cuartos de baño
120 m²
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Sara ha descrito su casa en italiano.

Lo que te va a encantar en esta casa

We love our house! Of course :) ! It’s a house inside a residence so we are lucky enough to enjoy our own garden + the big park of the residence , we’re by the lake ( an elevator brings up to the houses floor in the park) and it’s all very quiet . We have few neighbors as most of the houses here are second houses :)
We have a 7 years old child and there are lots of toys for her + a swing and a little house in the garden... the house has stairs inside to link lounge, kitchen , the 2 bedrooms and the attic, so it’s not recommended to those who can’t do stairs. a Weber barbecue is available for your grilled meals , an electric piano and a weight bench in the attic! Right now I’m sitting writing this enjoying the lake and mountains view that I’m sure you will appreciate ! the house is well equipped of everything you may need in the kitchen + laundry room etc... Also, you can use my Stand up paddle in the garage and the lake just awaits for you out of the gate! A secured parking spot could be available upon request :) I tried to post as many pics to describe but please ask me for further information!

Lo que te va a encantar del barrio

The neighborhood became famous especially because one of the villas around is George Clooney’s one! Lake Como is a privileged destinations for some VIPs but it’s also a nest of tranquility and peace! You’ll find on a walking distance a nice little market where you can enjoy apertivi + 3 restaurants , Waterbike renting , on a short drive you can find boats for renting, wakeboard, the mall, enjoy Como (20min drive ) or the other nice villages by the lake. There is also here an easy hike (no cars) that connects the nearby villages.... if you look for beauty , for typical villages, for nice restaurants, for a lake Como life, we are happy to welcome you in our house !!!

¿Algo más que añadir?

Fantastic neighborhood

ID de la casa

#1842282URL copiada




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Preguntas Frecuentes

Sí, esta casa tiene jardín. Puedes ver más detalles sobre el jardín y otras instalaciones en esta página.
Sí, este alojamiento dispone de una o varias plazas de parking.
Este alojamiento tiene 2 dormitorios.
La superficie de este alojamiento es de 120m2.
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