Casa con jardín en St John's, Canadá - en casa de Celine
Residencia principal
Capacidad 4
3 Habitaciones
2 Cuartos de baño
186 m²
2 camas simples
1 cama doble
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Saber másDescripción
Celine ha descrito su casa en inglés.
Lo que te va a encantar en esta casa
Our house is located in the east end of the city of St. John's, in a quiet family oriented neighbourhood. We are located within a few minutes walk to public transportation (bus) and grocery stores and a public swimming pool. The first floor has a living room, dining room, half bath, kitchen and play room.
The second floor has three bedrooms (one with queen sized bed and two with single beds - but we can put up a double bed for those needing it) and two baths. There is also an office with a computer.
We have a nice private backyard with a barbecue and an area that is ideal for sipping on that early morning coffee or the late evening glass of wine.
The second floor has three bedrooms (one with queen sized bed and two with single beds - but we can put up a double bed for those needing it) and two baths. There is also an office with a computer.
We have a nice private backyard with a barbecue and an area that is ideal for sipping on that early morning coffee or the late evening glass of wine.
Lo que te va a encantar del barrio
Summer is a great time to visit beautiful St. John's. Located on Canada's extreme east coast St. John's is a colourful city filled with history and charm. The downtown core of the city boasts many fine restaurants and, for those looking to enjoy live music and nightlife, George Street is the place to start! Visitors can walk around National Historic sites like Signal Hill or Cape Spear while watching the ocean for pods of humpback or menke whales that have feed off our coasts. Take a day trip out of the city to go on a boat tour to see bird sanctuaries, more whales and maybe even an iceberg! The possibilities are endless!
¿Algo más que añadir?
Summer is a great time to visit beautiful St. John's. Located on Canada's extreme east coast St. John's is a colourful city filled with history and charm. The downtown core of the city boasts many fine restaurants and, for those looking to enjoy live music and nightlife, George Street is the place to start! Visitors can walk around National Historic sites like Signal Hill or Cape Spear while watching the ocean for pods of humpback or menke whales that have feed off our coasts. Take a day trip out of the city to go on a boat tour to see bird sanctuaries, more whales and maybe even an iceberg! The possibilities are endless!
ID de la casa
#1124641URL copiada
Nuestros básicos
TV satélite/cable
Equipamiento único
Jardín privado
Balcón / terraza
Aire Acondicionado
Plaza de aparcamiento privada
Reglas de casa
Niños bienvenidos
Gato para alimentar
Plantas que regar
Preguntas Frecuentes
¿Esta casa tiene jardín?
Sí, esta casa tiene jardín. Puedes ver más detalles sobre el jardín y otras instalaciones en esta página.
¿Este alojamiento es adecuado para teletrabajadores?
Sí, este alojamiento dispone de conexión wifi. No obstante, te recomendamos que lo consultes con el/la anfitrión/a para asegurarte de que la velocidad de la red es adecuada para tus necesidades.
¿Este alojamiento tiene aparcamiento?
Sí, este alojamiento dispone de una o varias plazas de parking.
¿Cuántas habitaciones tiene este alojamiento?
Este alojamiento tiene 3 dormitorios.
¿Cuál es la superficie de este alojamiento?
La superficie de este alojamiento es de 186m2.
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