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Escape the cold during the winter holidays!

It's always summer somewhere

Discover our sunny homes available this winter holiday

Join the HomeExchange Community!

Don't want to freeze during the winter holidays? Spend your winter in a sunny destination. We here at HomeExchange have put together this special list of homes that you can enjoy during your winter holidays.

Our Sunny Homes

From Australia to Brazil, we have the perfect sunny holiday home for your winter weather blues.

Pierre's Home - Paraty, Brazil

Available from February 2 - 24

Our selection

Colombia, Chile, Ecuador: Winter sun destinations are here!

Winter Holidays: Best winter sun holidays!

HomeExchange helps with your winter travel plans

Do you know where to go for some winter sun?  HomeExchange has some of the best winter sun holiday offers for all our members trapped in the cold.

HomeExchange has winter sun destinations available until the end of the winter season. Enjoy January sun, February warmth, and sunny holidays in March by booking an exchange with one of our members in the southern hemisphere.

If you are not a member, sign up and start searching for the best winter sun holiday home. Organize a reciprocal exchange or use your GuestPoints to enjoy a cheap winter sun holiday. HomeExchange makes beach holidays in winter a reality!

Enjoy your winter holidays in a sunny destination or choose from one of our many other homes from around the world.

 Create your profile to see all of our winter sun destinations.  

Join the HomeExchange Community! 

Enjoy the sun from the comforts of home

Relax poolside during your home exchange!

Ana Rosa's Home - Isla de Margarita, Venezuela

Available from January 15 - March 31

Our homes in Argentina

Buenos Aires, Río Negro, San Martín de los Andes — enjoy sunny holidays in Argentina!

Our homes in Brazil

Enjoy the sea and the sun thanks to HomeExchange!

Let's go to the beach!

Enjoy beach holiday homes during the winter

Our homes in Río de Janeiro

Fun and cheap winter sun holidays in Rio thanks to HomeExchange

Our homes in Australia

Australia is an ideal destination for a sunny winter holiday!

Paradise on earth

Want the best winter sun holidays?  Contact these members!

More available homes

Organize a home exchange and escape to South America 

Other available homes 

HomeExchange has the perfect home for all of your travel ideas this winter holiday