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Lejlighed i Ordino, Andorra - hos Francesco&Aura

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Primær bolig
Sover 4
2 Soveværelser
2 Badeværelser
100 m²
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Bliv medlem af fællesskabet for 1.190 kr og foretag så mange boligbytter som du har lyst til et helt år.

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Francesco&Aura har beskrevet sit hjem på engelsk.

Derfor vil du elske denne bolig

Beautiful and comfortable apartment, located in a quiet and highly valued area, next to meadows and forests and a nice 10 minutes walk from the center of Ordino. The apartment is all exterior, very well distributed, with separation between the night area and the day area. Thanks to its orientation, it offers beautiful views that include Mount Casamanya and, during summer, beautiful sunsets can be enjoyed from a terrace which is accessed through two French doors from the living room. Two of the bedrooms have access to another balcony on the opposite side of the building. The kitchen is independent and spacious. Ordino Valley has been included in the UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve Network at the end of 2020.

Bonic i confortable apartament, situat en zona tranquil·la i altament valorada, al costat de prats i boscos i a 10 minuts a peu del centre d'Ordino. L'apartament és tot exterior, espaiós, está molt ben distribuit, amb separació entre la zona de nit i la zona de dia. Gràcies a la seva orientació, ofereix unes vistes precioses que inclouen el mont Casamanya i, a l'estiu, es poden gaudir de belles postes de sol des d'una terrassa a la qual s'accedeix per dues portes franceses des de la sala d'estar. Dues de les habitacions tenen accés a un altre balcó que dona a l'altra banda de l'edifici. La cuina és independent i ampla. La vall d'Ordino ha estat inclosa a la xarxa mundial de reserves de la biosfera de la UNESCO a finals del 2020.

Derfor vil du kunne lide dette område

The village of Ordino is one of the most picturesque villages in Andorra, and has all the services: restaurants, bars, a grocery store, bakery, butchers, banks, pharmacy. There is a sports center with a pool and a park with many playing facilities for children.
Because of its proximity to the ski resort of Vallnord and Arcalis (just 20' driving or by bus), Ordino is a place of great interest.
Due to its natural environment, the particularity of traditional Andorran architecture, gastronomy, museums and other events, for its pleasant summer weather, Ordino is an attractive destination also for regular tourism.
There are many hicking mountain tracks, viewpoints and picnick areas reachable within 20 minutes by car or bus. The capital of the country, Andorra la Vella, with its shopping offer and cultural events is about the same 20' distance.

El poble d'Ordino és un dels pobles més pintorescos d'Andorra, i compta amb tots els serveis: restaurants, bars, una botiga de queviures, forn de pa, carnisseria, bancs, farmàcia. Hi ha un centre esportiu amb piscina i un parc amb molts jocs per als nens.
Les pistes d'esquí (Vallnord i Ordino-Arcalis) i les millors excursions d'Andorra es troben a només 20 minuts de cotxe o d'autobus, així com la capital del país, Andorra la Vella.


Andorra is a mountain country and one of the small european states. Some of the best ski slopes of the Pyrenees can be found here, in winter time many international snow competition are held here. During summer it hosts the ultra trail racing, mountain bike and cycling. The Naturland adventure park is designed to offer both summer and winter, all kinds of activities: nature, sports, educational, recreational and entertainment especially designed for all ages.
Andorra has a well-marked tracking network, guarded and unguarded mountain shelters, and allows you to visit a wide variety of glacial lakes, valleys and peaks.

Andorra és un país de muntanya i un dels petits estats europeus. Unes de les millors pistes d’esquí dels Pirineus es poden trobar aquí, i a l’hivern hi ha moltes competicions internacionals de neu. A l'estiu acull les curses d'ultra trail (cursa de muntanya), bicicleta de muntanya i ciclisme. El parc d’aventura Naturland està dissenyat per oferir tant a l’estiu com a l’hivern tot tipus d’activitats: natura, esports, educatius, recreatius i d’entreteniment especialment dissenyats per a totes les edats.
Andorra disposa d'una xarxa de tracking ben senyalitzada, refugis de muntanya guardats i no-custodiats, i permet visitar una gran varietat de llacs de formació glacial, valls i pics.

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