Yes, your home is perfect for home-exchanging!

Yes, your home is perfect for home-exchanging!
When I first placed my townhouse on HomeExchange, I thought the same thing (that my home is not good enough) about my small home near San Francisco. 40 exchanges later, I think my house must be "good enough". We do work hard to make our home comfortable, clean, and welcoming. It's completely worth it! - Linda

Maybe it's because of the size, the location, the decoration... you don't really know why but you think your house or apartment is not attractive enough to do a home exchange. Well, we have a surprise for you… That’s totally not the case! But don't worry, that's a very common doubt when you start home exchanging. Don't worry, we can assure you that each home is unique, has something special, and that each home can find its ideal exchange.

Every house and area has something to offer - Sanne
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Is my house or apartment too small for a home exchange?

Maybe you love the idea of doing a home exchange but you think that because you live in a very small flat with nothing special, nobody will want to come to your home. As with many other things, size doesn't matter! And it doesn’t matter either when home exchanging. Small homes have a lot of charm too. These are things our members shared with us:

In July, we went to an apartment of 60 m2 in Saint Jean de luz and left our house of 110 m2 with garden of more than 400 m2 - Hastrid
On HomeExchange, there is really everything and I assure you the vast majority of members have normal houses or apartments... I swapped a 18 m2 in Krakow without worries!  - Caroline
I love finding a little apartment when we're just a couple. It's less cleaning when leaving, and it's enough for us! - Joanna
Why take a big home when you're alone or just two? I have a small apartment in the alpe d'huez that I love and I've already done a lot of exchanges. Don’t worry! - Isabelle
We have a very large house but this is not necessarily what we are looking for when exchanging. Especially when we travel just the two of us now. With 4 children, we know how much maintenance a big house can be! We really like small, cozy nests so the size of the house doesn't really matter.- Nathalie

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In addition, on HomeExchange the exchange does not have to be “equal”. With a small flat, you can exchange with a big house, and vice versa. Everything is based on communication with your exchange partner and on what you are looking for on each trip.

First of all, before looking for a house or apartment, I look for a place where I would want to settle down in. I'm not especially looking for a place equivalent to or better than mine. Otherwise, I’d go through rental platforms. It's all about exchanging… - Violette

And the architectural characteristics are not the same in all countries. In big cities, you probably can find more apartments while in rural areas it is more common to find bigger houses, with gardens, etc.  Members are looking for a good location and to be able to live like locals, in a neighbourhood away from the tourists.

I used to feel that way (that my home wasn’t good enough). We didn’t start to exchange until we built our semi-fancy house. Shortly after we started exchanging, I realized I didn’t need to worry. I regret all the years we could have exchanged but didn’t because we felt our house wasn’t worthy. - Lynne

I live in a non-touristic place, will there be anyone who wants to visit my area?

HomeExchangers love going off the beaten track and discovering all those unique and unknown places in the world. We love being able to live like a local, to rest, to visit the local recommendations of our hosts and to escape from the overcrowded places. Not all travellers are looking for tourist places, and one of the great things about HomeExchange is receiving a surprise offer from a member whose house is in a place we didn’t even know existed.

I would absolutely love an exchange outside of the busy city. You get to live like a local and enjoy the city when you want, when it’s close. We’ve completed over 25 exchanges and LOVE traveling all over.  - Jerri

Because travelling with HomeExchange is not just visiting touristic places, nor being in a luxury accommodation. Home exchange is about enjoying the hospitality and generosity of members all over the world, making friends and experiencing the feeling of being a local wherever you travel. It is about getting to know other cultures, other habits and customs as well as many other things that we do not have in our daily lives.

I think it takes everything for everyone and that often we're attracted to something different from what we own. I have a house with a swimming pool so finding a pool at my vacation accommodation is the last of my concerns, even with 3 teens at home. - Karine

Do you still think that your house is not good enough for a home exchange?

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