Sustainable Tourism Traveling around Europe by train Dreaming of exploring Europe? Thanks to the continent’s highly-developed rail network, you can travel from one country to another in just a few hours. Imagine traveling from the French Mediterranean coast to the majestic Swiss mountains in the space of a few hours.
Sustainable Tourism How can tourism and animal welfare be reconciled? The worldwide growth of tourism and the democratization of travel have unfortunately accelerated tourism practices that can be detrimental to wildlife. However, a growing awareness is leading more and more travelers to look for ways to travel responsibly.
Sustainable Tourism How can tourist destinations combat overtourism? International tourism has continued to grow in recent years. While it can of course have a positive impact on the economic development of a region, it can also have harmful effects on the environment and local communities.
Sustainable Tourism Responsible Travel Days: an initiative that could change everything, but is still underutilized To optimize vacation travel time and make the most of your days off, many travelers choose to take the plane. But even if this mode of transport is often faster, we also know that it is, by far, the most polluting option.
CSR “Airplane Mode”: An Adventure Raising Awareness About Environmental Issues Today, we want to highlight an adventure close to our hearts: the journey of Benjamin and Loïc, who set off on foot from Annecy to China to raise awareness about environmental challenges.
Sustainable Tourism 10 questions about the night train Night train routes are expanding across Europe and are attracting more and more travelers. And for good reason, as night trains offer many advantages.
Train Interrail: 10 tips to know before you start! Dreaming of the freedom to explore Europe by train? The Interrail Pass, which allows you to discover no less than 33 European countries, could be perfect for you! However, if it's your first Interrail trip - and with so much information to consider - organizing your journey might seem overwhelming.
Sustainable Tourism 10 Tips for Saving Energy in Winter Waste, lack of maintenance, or poor habits… When it comes to energy consumption, it may be necessary to rethink how we use energy, especially at a time in which energy prices are rising.
Sustainable Tourism Calculate the carbon footprint of your trip Like any activity, vacations generate CO₂ and have an impact on the environment. During a trip, transport is the largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Sustainable Tourism 10 tips for saving water (and lowering your water bill) While periods of drought are occurring earlier and earlier each year and increasing in frequency, saving water has become a major issue that concerns us all. In many regions of the world, water is even becoming a rare resource.
Sustainability The benefits of local travel The coronavirus pandemic forced us to change our routines and our plans. We are now taking the time to reflect on our habits, our consumption, our impact on the earth and our future.
Sustainable Tourism Why home exchanging can be a more sustainable way to go on vacation Travel and carbon footprint: understanding our HomeExchange community’s travel emissions We know that tourism has an impact on the planet; it’s responsible for 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions*. But at
Sustainable Tourism Enjoy a Greener Vacation With These 6 Travel Products As fun as traveling can be, we can’t deny its impact on the environment. Here at HomeExchange, we care deeply about stopping the harmful effect of climate change caused by the travel industry, so we put together a list of products that you can use to enjoy a greener vacation.
Sustainable Tourism 7 reasons to travel locally in 2024 This year, instead of spending a lot of time and money traveling abroad, opt to travel locally. At first glance, this may not seem as enticing as a globetrotting trip, but we put together a list of some of the many upsides of local travel.
Sustainable Tourism Enjoy a Sustainable Vacation With These 6 Eco-Friendly Homes Here at HomeExchange, we're passionate about protecting our planet every day. To play our part in making the world a better place, check out these 6 eco-friendly homes.
Sustainable Tourism Choose the train to travel more responsibly To all the dreamers who like to escape the time of a journey, To all the impatient people who like to be in the heartbeat of a place as soon as they arrive,
Sustainable Tourism Travelling by bicycle, an alternative that makes sense In recent years, bicycle travel, or cyclotourism, has become increasingly popular. Indeed, thanks to its many benefits, everyone could be tempted. Cycle tourism has been around almost since the arrival of the bicycle,
Guide to home exchange Sustainable tourism: How home exchanging promotes eco-friendly travel What is sustainable tourism, and why does it matter? Learn how home exchanging means greener travel that is accessible to everyone.
Sustainable Tourism Eco-friendly home exchanges perfect for sustainable travelers These one-of-a-kind, eco-friendly home exchanges are perfect for travelers looking to live in a sustainable way on vacation.
Sustainable Tourism 10 Tips to be a Responsible Traveller We believe it's all the little things we do that can leave a significant impact, so we've made a list of things you can consider doing.
Sustainable Tourism What is responsible tourism? First of all, we’d like to wish everyone a great World Tourism Day! World Tourism Day was created thirty-nine years ago to celebrate the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, economic,
Sustainable Tourism Earth Day Special: HomeExchange Members’ Sustainable Practices Earth Day is celebrated on April 22, and is an annual global event that promotes the protection of the environment and natural resources. Exchanging homes is a form of sustainable tourism based on
Sustainable Tourism Travel like a local with home exchange Discover how to travel like a local with home exchange for an authentic experience while exploring the globe and saving money. The benefits and ease of utilizing HomeExchange to find stays while you travel will change your life.
Sustainable Tourism 8 Tips for an Eco-Conscious Vacation When traveling, being "green" and sustainable can be a challenge. When you choose a home swap, you are already helping take care of the planet. Here are a few others ways you can travel and help the planet.
HomeExchange Reviews Living Like a Local: My HomeExchange Story Home exchanger Sandra shares about her recent trip to Perth and why she loves doing as the locals do while house swapping and traveling the world.