My HomeExchange Story: "I wish I had joined 20 years ago!"

My HomeExchange Story: "I wish I had joined 20 years ago!"

For her 20th trip with HomeExchange, Shelley, an avid home swapper, decided to visit Valencia, Spain with her cousin. Together, the two enjoyed their time at vineyards and eating paella and exploring Spain for two whole weeks. Shelley was kind enough to share the details of her trip with us.

Discover HomeExchange

What did you appreciate most about the home you stayed in?

The mutual security felt like leaving my most precious belongings (like my dog) in the care of our wonderful exchangers and taking care of their furbaby in return. Freedom to explore a new place and know my home and dog were in amazing hands.

What did you appreciate most about your exchange partner?

Solid communication.

What did you see or do during your exchange?

We explored every inch of Valencia and the surrounding wine country. I was beyond impressed with the city’s accessibility, greenways, options for healthy food, walkability, vibrancy, and ease!


Travel with HomeExchange

What is one of your best memories or experiences from a home exchange?

Getting to explore Valencia for two weeks with my cousin - at a pace that wasn’t rushed, in a home that made us feel safe and like locals and getting to take a daily run with our host’s dog (which helped me not miss mine so much!

What would you say to your friends and family who are considering HomeExchange?

I wish I had joined 20 years ago!

What tips and tricks would you give to new HomeExchangers?

Be flexible, be respectful and craft requests uniquely to each home.

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