My HomeExchange Host Story: "Consider the Golden Rule."

My HomeExchange Host Story: "Consider the Golden Rule."

Robert and his partner are HomeExchangers from San Diego, CA who decided to host guests in their home. Through their experience hosting members of the community, they have learned more about home swapping and have had some amazing experiences both as hosts and as guests. Read about their experience here.

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What were some of your biggest fears when hosting another member?

Quite frankly, I didn’t have much trepidation before playing host. My concerns were probably common ones. Will my guests break something? Would anything mechanical malfunction during their visit?

How did you overcome this fear?

Preparing my house prior to an exchange truly relieves any fears or anxieties about hosting. Making sure everything is immaculate, set up properly and in its place, offers peace of mind. Hosting successfully breeds confidence and inspires us to do more.

Have you hosted members from different countries?

Yes… guests from the USA, Mexico, Scotland, Canada, and France.


Tell us about a memorable experience with a guest…

We had a family staying at our home from Canada. Had great visits with them about their long summer trip across America. We gave them passes to enjoy our world-famous San Diego Zoo.

Travel with HomeExchange

What do you like most about hosting other members?

It’s so much fun to hear about other people's lives. What it’s like in their hometown. What they do for a living. Education, politics, healthcare, culture and community.

How do you prepare your home for your guests?

We like to leave a welcome note on a little chalkboard, along with our Wi-Fi info. Also, a few basics in the refer and cupboards is certainly appreciated.

Did you encounter any unexpected cultural differences?

So far, we haven’t experienced any cultural differences that caused an issue.

What tips and tricks would you give to others who are hosting Guests?

Consider the “Golden Rule.”

What did you realize after you hosted for the first time?

After hosting for the first time, we realized we wanted to pursue many more. Doing a reciprocal or accumulating GuestPoints is a wonderful system.

Vacation with HomeExchange

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