How your feedback helps us improve

Dear HomeExchangers,

As you know, we are always working towards improving your HomeExchange experience and making our community stronger.

As you, our Members, are the center of our wonderful community, we are always happy to hear about the suggestions you may have concerning the platform's features. As we would like to always remain transparent with you, we would like to share with you today the way we use your feedback.

The voice of the Community

Each time you share some suggestions with us, we carefully review them and discuss them with the team, in order to decide which and how improvements can be implemented.

How do we do that?

All the suggestions you share with us are sent to Harvestr, a software that allows us to prioritize the most-wanted improvements according to the volume of requests received.

How does it work concretely?

After receiving your feedback through emails, the platform’s chat, our Facebook Groups (for Members with an active membership, and Members without an active membership), or other social media platforms , someone from our team adds it to Harvestr. This enables our Product team to know the number of requests on a particular issue, and they can then evaluate the problematics around it, find a solution to address it and finally check the feasibility with the developers' team. According to the amount of requests, the ease of implementation and the cost of development, we prioritize the next features to develop. That way, it helps us improve your HomeExchange experience progressively and as fast as possible.

Here is a screenshot to give you a visual example of what happens exactly when we add your suggestions on Harvestr:

We hope this article can give you a better understanding of how we work to listen to you, our Community and prioritize features. As always, we would like to thank you for your feedback and encourage you to share your ideas and needs with us. HomeExchange has always been a community made by its Members, for its Members, and so the best way to grow and improve is to do it together, with your help!

Look for my exchange!