February News!

Dear Members,

As you may have seen in the past few months, we have been writing articles to let you know what we are working on lately. Today, we would like to update you on the exciting recent improvements of the platform, including those on the HomeExchange app.

You may have noticed that you can now select the type of exchange in the first message sent. This will help you to be more precise about the exchange you want to arrange.

The time response is now hidden in your profile. Although it did not affect the search results in any way, it did not work properly, so we decided to hide it.

Our Android and iOS app developers, Mathieu and David, have been working on improving our HomeExchange app. With the new 2.12.0 version of the Android app and the new 2.9.3 version of the iOS app, you will notice that the map not only loads faster but also looks better.

You might have noticed that for some months now, we have implemented some complementary results to the search, that we indicate on the website saying "You can also contact these homes". This feature allows you to search for an exchange for a specific period of time, and when you have fewer than 20 results, other homes that do not have the availability you input are suggested. You can still give it a try by contacting these Members in case they have not updated their calendars to see if you can make your dream exchange happen.

Do you ever wonder how our guarantee works and whether or not it applies in your case? For Members hosting, the guarantees will always be applied to the exchange so if you are hosting in that exchange. For guest Members, if you have an active, paid Membership, the guarantees will be applied to your exchange. The guarantee will not be applied if a Member is trying to finalize an exchange that would happen after their Membership expires. Thanks to Mathieu and David, you will now be able to see whether or not the guarantee applies directly in your exchange partner’s details.

Another great update on the iOS and Android apps is the banner that will appear on the app when your Membership has expired. If you click on it, it will redirect you to the “My Plan” page, so that you can take the Membership again and continue searching for your next home-exchange.

Plan your next HomeExchange!