Share your HomeExchange trips live with our community this year!
HomeExchange everyone the opportunity to travel in a different way, far from crowds of tourists. It gives you the opportunity to enjoy a truly hospitable trip, and to discover a destination from a local’s perspective.

HomeExchange gives you the opportunity to share some of the unique moments that you will experience during your exchanges to come, along with some of the many unforgettable stories, or to share your unexpected discoveries with the whole community.
Eager to share your travels with the community? We invite you to make your Instagram account public and let us know more about you here.
Because we have an international community, we request that our reporters share their experiences in English!
We will then be in contact with you and once selected, we will be able to go on your HomeExchange trip with OUR Instagram account! Share your tales of adventure during your exchange, and bring the whole HomeExchange community on vacation with you.